Triciclo Perú e identidad nacional en tiempos de crisis política
The construction of national identity in young people is a dynamic process
influenced by different aspects, among them, music, both for the emotions and the
reflective process it generates in the active agents. Therefore, the study describes
the national identity of university students between 17 and 24 years of age in the
department of Piura by appealing to the song Triciclo Perú of the alternative rock
band Los Mojarras as part of its objective using the sociology of music as a basis.
The results were obtained with the application of a virtual survey to 410 students
and show its validity 30 years after it was disseminated since 68% of them
listened to it at some time and of this percentage, 46% are between 19 and 21
years old. Forty-nine percent say that, upon hearing it, they feel cultural pride and
21.5% identify with the verse referring to reaching the top no matter the road. It
is concluded that the national identity profile of Generation Z or centennials from
Piura is based mainly on cultural pride. Likewise, they assume goals for which
they should strive and apply the resources available to them.