Modos: Una aproximación personal a la composición para guitarra


  • Gandhy Abraham Figueroa Olivares


Modos is a contrapuntal composition for guitar that explores the major-minor
tonal duality. Structured in the form A - A1
- A, the work employs a counterpoint
of two identical voices in canon, with the second voice entering an octave lower.
The piece transitions from G major to G minor, reflecting the contrast between the
“solar” and “lunar” energies traditionally associated with these modes. Written in
12/8 time signature, the composition shows Bachian influences and requires from
the performer a solid independence in the execution of the melodic lines. This
work exemplifies a contemporary approach to classical compositional techniques,
fusing formal structure, modal symbolism and interpretative challenges in a work
of medium technical complexity.



How to Cite

Figueroa Olivares, G. A. (2024). Modos: Una aproximación personal a la composición para guitarra. Rodolfo Holzmann, 3(4), 47–52. Retrieved from